What You Ought To Know About Genital Warts

Genital Warts

Genital warts
are most often located on or around the penis or vagina. Pink or red growths that appear around the genital areas. By coming into contact with contaminated areas, they can spread to other parts of the body as well as other humans. The scale of Genital warts ranges from slightly visible to the size of massive pimples. They often occur in groups of three or four, and they can emerge and spread quickly. Mild discomfort, scratching, and bleeding can occur at times.

HPV, a virus, is responsible for Genital warts. This is often referred to as the Human Virus. This virus causes a sexually transmitting infection. Don't be too disappointed if you find out you have HPV. About half of America's middle-aged population is infected in some way. In most cases, genital warts will disappear on their own, but since there is no treatment for HPV, they can reappear. People that are sick usually wait to see whether the infection spreads or disappears on its own. If they spread, there are several therapies available to remove genital warts.

You should avoid having sex as long as you have genital warts. You should still wear a condom if you do. When Warts are present, they are readily transmitted. When they are present, they are considered infectious. Such warts can be transmitted even though you use a condom. In this case, you are taking a gamble. You simply want to take every precaution possible when enjoying safe sex and protecting the person you're dating, because you don't want to owe anything to anybody.

Certain forms of HPV have been linked to cervical cancer, anal cancer, valvular cancer, and penis cancer. Although it is uncommon, if you are a woman, a simple Pap test will detect any suspicious cervical cells. If you suspect or discover you have genital warts, visit the doctor for routine checkups so that any premature growths will be handled as soon as possible.

Depending about how you like to go about it, there are a few options to get rid of them. You MUST see the doctor first, regardless of the form you prefer. So you don't have to feel embarrassed watching a stranger perform the application, ask your doctor to give you a topical prescription to take home.

There are the various methods for removing warts. There's cryotherapy, which is where they're frozen. Then there's electrocautery. This is the location where they are electrocuted. There's also laser therapy. They are removed with a high-intensity laser here. Finally, there is surgical excision. This is where they are removed. Both of these things can be excruciatingly uncomfortable. They'll give you something to take the edge off the hurt. Both of these treatments can leave marks that can be very uncomfortable depending on the site of the wart, so pick wisely.

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